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“Landmand wouldn’t be what it is if we didn’t hire King-Collins. I was asked by Derek Duncan if I thought another Architect could have built this quality of a course, my answer was “No”. What King-Collins brought to the table was imagination, experience, loyalty, and hard work to the job site every day. What my family and I had envisioned for this course was exceeded ingeniously by the work King-Collins performed. Rob and Tad made our dream their dream. We will always consider them more than just business partners, they are family!”
Will Andersen
Owner & Developer of Landmand Golf Club
When I first spoke to Will Andersen in May 2019, I could tell that he was serious. This was a real inquiry & a real opportunity.
After touring the Old Dane & a piece of property on the Missouri River, Tad & I asked to go “up top.” We wanted to see the land that overlooks it all. After a few opaque references to the third parcel during our look at the first two sites, we weren’t sure what was in store for us. The second we pulled up to what is now the 18th green/1st tee, we knew without a doubt that this was it. This was the big opportunity that we’d fought and scratched for our entire careers. The land was just on another level. Everything was magnified: the views, the contours, the boldness, and above all else, the potential. It was the perfect opportunity at the perfect time for King-Collins.

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